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Archives: February 2015

How To Not Get Locked Out Of Microsoft SharePoint

February 3, 2015
MindPoint - Don't Get Locked Out Of SharePoint

How to not get locked out of Microsoft SharePoint is probably a question that’s not even crossed your mind but the simple fact is that unless you get your SharePoint adoption right, you may spend a lot of time – and a lot of money – trying to find the key to getting ROI for your business […]

Microsoft SharePoint Guide – Top 10 Tips, How To & Best Practice

August 6, 2014
Microsoft SharePoint Top 10 Tips Best Practice Guide

While the benefits of Microsoft SharePoint to organisations are compelling and highly visible; the failure to implement and adopt SharePoint right can be equally glaring. Failed implementations (and even implementations that fall short) can cost your business significant amounts of time and money to put right later. Whether you are an existing user or a business […]